NRMA website redesign

Continuous improvement of the NRMA retail website experience and implementation of brand redesign

NRMA Insurance is one of Australia’s largest general insurers, specialising in motor and home.


How might we ensure everyone visiting the NRMA retail website feels the brand promise of ‘help is who we are’.



  • Implement the updated brand styling to the digital environment;

  • Simplify website interactions;

  • Increase information transparency;

  • Create consistency across the website experience and collaborate to align the brand customer journey across touchpoints;

  • Deliver on NRMA’s brand promise of ‘help is who we are’.



UI Designer, Lead UI Designer


2019, 2020–2021


I was part of the central delivery team working in an agile framework with a UX designer, content producers, copywriters and developers.


I had dedicated time towards ad-hoc UI design and updates as required by the project team, while leading longer term initiatives towards developing the NRMA digital brand style guide and implementing a component library in Figma. 

  • Sprint planning
    We worked in 2-week sprints, beginning each sprint with a team planning and prioritisation session.

    I led the planning and prioritisation for all the component library work and liaised with our PO to schedule it into our sprint delivery.

  • Existing research
    Collate all existing research, analytics and requirements.

    Competitor analysis
    Perform any competitor analysis or desk research of same or similar experiences.

    UX research
    Collaborate with UX as required on tasks like mapping current user flows, customer journey maps and running customer interviews.

  • Problem definition
    Clearly define the problem and all requirements, scope, key collaborators and any unknowns.

    Risk definition
    Depending on the problem clarity and risk ratings we would decide whether more research should be completed or to test and iterate live on the website.

    Establish any hypotheses based on the discovery research.

  • The design stage was quite varied with each piece of work for NRMA and relied heavily on definition.

    Ideate, prototype, test
    High risk work would fall into an ideate, prototype, test, repeat cycle until there was high confidence in the designs to move to high fidelity UI design.

    High fidelity design
    Low risk work would often go straight to UI and run through a team feedback session and any iterations before moving to delivery.

  • Detailed UI
    High fidelity UI screens created across three breakpoints with developer details documented.

    Component library
    Any new components are implemented in the design library and briefed into the developer team, then documented for all teams to access rules for use.

    Requirement mapping
    Working with our PO, BA and developers we would map requirements and stories ready for implementation.

    Developer handover
    Developer handover completed through Figma and Jira, including QA.

  • A/B test
    Designs go live to either 100% of the audience, or to 5% for A/B testing to gain further confidence if the change has high risk impact.

    Analytics monitored to assess design impact and flag any unexpected results for further investigation.


Digital brand style guide

Creation of the business case for a digital brand style guide team and leading the definition and publication of foundation styles. This has evolved into an ongoing piece of work.


UI component library in Figma

Defined global design styles, components and patterns, simplifying developer and producer workflow and improving consistency, while adding meaningful use of design variance.


Re-designed page templates

Updated page templates for key business pages including product categories and payments pages. The redesigned CTP payments page resulted in a 9.2% uplift in payment completes.


Pattern efficiencies

Clear patterns and component documentation to utilise content producers for common page patterns, like product pages, while maintaining design consistency.


AA accessibility

All updated designs meet AA accessibility standards in the UI and we work with developers to constantly improve accessibility across the site.


UX/UI continuous improvement

Updated ad-hoc pages and flows across the NRMA website including appointment booking, finding your nearest branch and product segment pages. Often these pages rely on legacy technology and inflexible systems making progress incremental.


Product design: Mable payments


UX/UI: IAG Newsroom redesign