Nurturly product design

Mental wellbeing for parents juggling work and life

Nurturly is a mental health app for parents.


How might we support working parents to stay mentally healthy?


  • Discover if there is an opportunity for IAG to better support parents;

  • Use various research techniques to define desirability.



UI/Visual Design




The core team consisted of a Venture Lead / PO, UX Designer, Graduate Designer, Technology Lead, Venture Architect. I was brought into the team for a shorter duration of the project to fill a skills gap and help with ambitious deadlines.


My role on this project was limited to the design and test phases. Discovery and definition were completed before I joined the team.

  • Research onboarding
    I completed a review of research already completed and was onboarded to the product hypotheses and concept.

  • Moodboards
    Due to the time sensitive nature of the work, I expedited the usual positioning workshop process and used moodboards to quickly test ideas and decide with the team on the direction forward.

    I ran a naming session with myself to brainstorm ideas to present back to the team for voting.

  • Low fidelity prototype
    I assisted our graduate designer to build a low-fidelity wireframe prototype for testing.

    Brand options
    I developed brand name and identity options for the team to vote on.

    EOI test
    I created brand assets and set up a simple web page and social pages to run EOI campaigns through Facebook and Instagram.

  • Perish
    Operating in a pivot, pause, perish model this product idea was found highly desirable, but did not meet minimum viability and feasibility standards so was perished.

    The fast and iterative approach meant this decision was reached very quickly and saved the business a lot of time and effort by closing it down early.




Product concept

A concept for an app to support new parents in learning, staying connected with work and meeting other parents, and options for getting help.


Brand positioning

Concept brand positioning was created for storytelling and testing purposes.


UX/UI/Visual: Motable product design