Motable product design

Re-thinking vehicle access in Australia

Motable is a car access platform allowing you to buy, sell or subscribe.


How might we improve vehicle access in Australia?


  • Investigate an opportunity in the vehicle access space;

  • Feed learnings into broader research into mobility;

  • Look for existing business synergies.



UX/UI/Visual Design




I was part of the core team with a UX designer, mobility lead, product lead and two venture architects.


  • Research onboarding
    There was a lot of research already completed by our service and UX designers when I joined the project.

    Customer interviews
    I worked with a UX designer to complete customer interviews using very low fidelity paper prototypes as props for feedback.

    Expert interviews
    I worked with our UX designer and venture architect to learn from industry experts about vehicle access.

    Competitor analysis
    We reviewed the features, customer journeys and brand positioning for key competitors.

  • Learning synthesis
    We added additional learnings to the existing identified problem space to find opportunities.

    Persona creation
    Our UX designer created high level personas to focus our design thinking on.

    Opportunity mapping
    We collaborated to ideate on opportunities for product and mapped them by effort and confidence.

    UVP workshop
    I ran a UVP workshop with the core team and key external stakeholders using the Simon Sinek ‘what, how, why?’ method.

    Brand positioning
    I ran a brand workshop with the core team to define foundational guides.

  • Customer testing
    Multiple rounds of testing with low fidelity prototypes to validate or invalidate hypotheses.

    Brand name
    I facilitated a brand naming workshop and ran guerilla testing to define preferred options against our agreed company values.

    Visual testing
    I created five different style tiles and tested them with customers to guide positioning and gain further insight into what our customers most value about our proposition.

    Quantitative testing
    We created hierarchy hypotheses and ran stimulus through a quant survey which gained 534 respondents.

    Facebook ad testing
    We created live ads to test key product features and brand positioning hypotheses with a real audience.

  • Diary study
    We completed a diary study into broader mobility using Instagram to capture live moments with users and interact with them in real time.

    Empathy mapping
    We synthesised the diary study data into empathy maps to better understand a range of people and beliefs.

    Customer interviews
    I worked with our UX designer to complete another round of interviews to gain deeper insights in mobility.

  • Brand blueprint
    Based on the testing and feedback we created a foundational brand blueprint.

    High fidelity wireframes
    We created high fidelity UI wireframes and a detailed product prototype.

    Product roadmap
    The team delivered a product roadmap, including an ambitious future state vision.

    Future customer journey maps
    We created and illustrated seven detailed future customer journey maps for our various customer segments.




Brand blueprint

A brand blueprint and positioning was created.


UI prototype

Product concept UI prototype ready to be iterated and refined with further testing and product definition


Visual: IAG climate change scenarios


Visual: Nurturly product design