Climate change scenarios experience

Inspire futures thinking to reframe insurance in a climate changing world

Be immersed in four different futures for 2030.


Create four plausible future scenarios for Australia in a climate changing world and communicate the scenarios to business stakeholders to drive innovation and ideas for the future of insurance.



  • Design the experience of four different worlds;

  • Experiences should be memorable, drive empathy and feel real and believable;

  • Help people to quickly understand the events, patterns, systems and mindsets over a 10 year period;

  • People should be able to differentiate between the four worlds as different scenarios.



Creative Experience Lead




The core team consisted of myself and two service designers. I managed five additional designers for artefact creation.


  • Onboarding to scenario thinking
    The four climate change scenarios were outlined using the Oxford Scenario Planning approach and input from 70 IAG EGMs, EMs and external partners.

    Outlines had been created as a timeline from 2020 to 2030 with key events, their impact, societal patterns and mental models. I was required to immerse myself in these excel spreadsheets to gain an understanding of each world.

    A broad look into how other businesses have presented and communicated scenarios thinking to gather inspiration.

  • Re-brief
    I created a re-brief in collaboration with key stakeholders to align on specific project objectives and frame creative thinking.

  • Workshops
    I ran workshops and collaboration sessions to think big on creative ideas and then pull back to three viable options to pitch to our stakeholders.

  • Ideation sessions
    I facilitated workshops and ideation sessions with key team members to build out the foundations for each world including character, tone and values.

    Scenario identities
    I created style tiles and visual identities for each scenario based on the foundations, while keeping everything linked to the IAG brand.

    Draft stories
    We created story outlines for our characters and started shaping ideas for how their worlds would be presented.

    Prototype and test
    Low fidelity experience created and tested with a small audience to validate our concept.

  • Thirty-two interactive objects
    We created objects for each world including interactive websites, email inboxes, apps, products and print items.

    Four audio tracks
    Each world has an audio track to play during the experience where you can hear the character talking through what their world is like.

    Four reference documents
    Documents were created as takeaways that also detailed key information at a macro level in each world.

    Workshop outlines
    Strategy workshop outline created for execution.

  • Surveys
    Feedback sought from participants after each experience to understand performance and opportunities.



32 objects created

Interactive objects were created to tell the story of each world.


3 cities and 2 countries

The experience has been run multiple times in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland.


Ideas generated

Strategic ideas generated in workshops are being explored and rolled out within IAG.


UX/UI/Visual: Lendu product design


UX/UI/Visual: Motable product design