Lendu product design

We believe in better financing for SMEs in Australia and New Zealand

Lendu is a business financing marketplace for SMEs.


How might we improve business financing for Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)?


  • Discover if there is an opportunity to improve financing for SMEs in Australia and New Zealand;

  • Use HCD methods to design a product concept and roadmap.



UX/UI/Visual Design




I was part of the core team along with a Venture Lead / PO, Graduate Designer, Technology Lead, and two Venture Architects.

We also had a UX Designer join for a short period to help with the discover and define stages, and a Service Designer provide mentorship in the final stages of creating the business case.


  • Research
    We completed initial desk research into the business finance space to understand current options and decipher some finance jargon.

    Customer interviews
    I worked with our grad designer to conduct 14 customer interviews with small and medium business owners to understand their finance experience and needs.

    We conducted a survey of 190 SMEs in Australia and New Zealand to understand key needs, painpoints and how they access finance.

    Competitor analysis
    We mapped the current options for SMEs based on our learnings from the interviews and survey. We then deep dived into the experience of gaining funding and collated all our learnings to map current customer journeys.

  • Synthesis
    We synthesised the data from interviews and the survey.

    Creation of business archetypes understanding funding needs and pain points.

    Journey maps
    Creation of current customer journey map for accessing finance.

    Team workshops and individual ideation to create testable hypotheses.

  • Prototype and test
    Low fidelity prototype created and tested with SMEs.

    Testing insights revealed a new audience segment to consider, so we completed 9 additional customer interviews.

    Brand workshop
    Brand positioning workshop with the team to inform visual design for real world testing and as part of the business case for how the product would position in market.

    Brand blueprint
    Creation of foundational brand identity and assets.

    EOI testing
    Targeted EOI campaigns run on LinkedIn and Facebook to test value proposition and product feature ideas.

    Prototype and test
    Medium fidelity prototype created and tested with all audience groups and validating key desirability hypotheses.

  • Customer journeys
    Three future customer journeys were created for our audience segments that included customer story, key touchpoint features, empathy map and persona needs summary.

    Brand blueprint
    The brand blueprint was created to illustrate the product potential in market and have a beginning style and name to use for further investigation.

    High fidelity screens
    UI screens created to illustrate the key product flows.

    Product roadmap
    A product roadmap was created, including MVP launch product definition and scale opportunity timeline.




Brand blueprint

A foundation brand blueprint based off a competitor analysis and team workshop to define initial positioning and personality


UI prototype

Product concept UI prototype ready to be iterated and refined with further testing and product definition


Business case approval

The business case was presented to the board and approved for further funding and investigation.


UX/UI: IAG Newsroom redesign


Visual: IAG climate change scenarios